
A force for good in the community
  • Deliverables
    • UI/UX Design
    • Web Development
  • Website
A force for good in the community.
Pledge 1% Colorado was created around the idea that any business, from startups to enterprise companies, can be a force for good in their communities. Since their first pledge in 2008, more than $7M and thousands of hours of volunteer support have been allocated to impactful non-profits around Colorado.
Pledge 1% Colorado was created around the idea that any business, from startups to enterprise companies, can be a force for good in their communities. Since their first pledge in 2008, more than $7M and thousands of hours of volunteer support have been allocated to impactful non-profits around Colorado.
“From design to implementation, Splitter took the time to listen and learn about the needs for our organization and produced a website that tells our story in a succinct but engaging way. They made sure to suggest improvements and creative ideas where they made sense, but never lost sight of our overarching goal for the site.”“From design to implementation, Splitter took the time to listen and learn about the needs for our organization and produced a website that tells our story in a succinct but engaging way. They made sure to suggest improvements and creative ideas where they made sense, but never lost sight of our overarching goal for the site.”
- Executive Director, Pledge Colorado- Executive Director, Pledge Colorado
Art for everyone
Art for everyone
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Making open office space great again.
UI/UX Design, Web Development
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